Friday, January 23, 2009

Complaints to the Principal

Dear Mr. Crestfed (the principal), A brilliant idea has hit upon me, and it is my wish to negotiate it with you, running the school and all. My brilliant plan has a few 'minor' changes to the students’ daily routine. I can assure you that there'll only be a couple of things swapped around and that'd be about it. Things change, and isn't that what life's all about? Oh, and you might have to discuss my brilliant idea with the government. I thought we could have five days holiday, and two days school. I've given this some serious thought, and I reckon we should share the decision with the whole school. Democrition. Or was it democracy? Well, anyway, I thought we could all vote. It would be absolutely lovely if you could give some time to think about my brilliant idea. Please don't rip this up, Jake Nelson - Grade 5

Dear Mr. Crestfed,
I am very disappointed to say that last night when my first grade son came home he bit me. Being his mother I couldn't hit him, but still punished him. By what way is irrelevant. But I am afraid that if I am to punish him everyday, I shall have to remove him from the school. Of course, I do wish that won't happen. Please notify Mrs. Lewis about this at once, as I will not be able to tolerate this violent nature for much longer. Regards, Maria Mentson - Mother of Tommy Mentson

Dear Mr. prinsipal, Pleez don't lissin to mummy. She is not truthing. I am a good boy and wood never bite anyone. Pleeze do not tell Mrs. Lewis about wot mum sed. Thank you a lot. Love from Tommy.

Dear Harry, I am indeed sorry to say that the time for me to retire has come. Being 63, I think it is the rightful and correct age to leave, as I have my grandchildren and my own children to look after. I hope you don't mind. I would be most willing to help find a new teacher, that is if help is needed. I have decided to leave in the end of this term. Kind Regards, Jacob Graham - Grade nine teacher

Dear Harry Crestfed, It would be much obliged if I could buy some math equipment for my grade four class. It seems they are finding it difficult without some blocks to help. Now they have a greater need of them as we have just begun fractions. Being the teacher, it is my job to make sure that in the end, they understand. Please send some class money. Yours, Elaine Doris - Grade four teacher

Dear Mr. Crestfed (the principal), This letter is concerning my previous letter, as you haven't yet replied. PLEASE reply to it as soon as possible, as I am most eager to hear your decision. If you don't remember what I said because you ripped the letter up, it was when I suggested that we have five days holiday and two days school. I hope there is not already too much on your hands. If there is, please still reply quickly.
Hurry up,
Jacob Nelson - Grade 5

Dear Mr. Crestfed, I have inconveniently forgotten the school email address. I hope you know it. Well, I'd think you would because you're the principal. If you don't then you're a rubbish principal and I'll MAKE SURE I GET EXPELLED or I'll TELL MY MUM ON YOU. Please take notice of the last sentence.
Lesley White
P.S. Sorry I have anger management problems

To Mr. Crestfed,
It is indeed unfortunate that my grade six son has been complaining of back aches. It seems that his bag is much too heavy (which it is), and he is unable to carry it to and from school. Please notify his class teacher (Ms. Woodson), as I have the odd feeling that this crisis relates to the amount of homework he has been given.
Anne Gray
P.S. If anything happens to my little Scottie I will SUE you.
P.S.S I really will sue you.

To whom ever it may concern,
I am hereby resigning from my place as principal as I have other things to do at home.
Regards, Mr. Harry Crestfed (Who is no longer the principal)

1 comment:

Arv said...

hahahahaha... gold!
